Artboards in Illustrator CC
Working with Artboards in Adobe illustrator CC 2017
Why we go for Artboards. Artboards can be used for multime purposes. You can design multime size Artboards in a single place. For example; you can a design an A4 brochure, letter head, Business card,post card all at the same time without worry ung much about layers,duplication and resizing.
I have used it for the first time for a new client request. Learnt lot of interesting facts that will be useful for those who struggle like me.
Tips for Artboards:
- Create multiple Artboards and always name them on the layer panel. You will find Artboards tab. Name your each Artboards in an organized manner. For old versions of illustrator, you have to name them by selection the options of each board and change the name. But with new versions ,you can just double click to rename it just like do in PS layers.
- You can duplicate Artboards in two ways. One way on the Artboard panel, right click Duplicate Artboard. Another way is to choose Move Artboard with content on the menu bar. Then select Artboard using Alt+. You can replicate the Artboard.
- Another beautiful tip which helped me a lot.
- Imagine that you have created multiple Artboards and you need to change some design across all Artboards. This will be easy. Modify the design in one Artboard, goto Edit menu, Cut. Then choose Edit menu and Paste across all Artboards.
- This will paste the modifications design in exact location across all Artboards.
- Final tip to save work as pdf
- If you dont name the Artboards, it will just save whichever present in the Artboard panel.
- In save as ,select pdf. Choose the Artboard page range you wanted to save as pdf.
- Click OK. There you go. You get Artboard work in form of pdf.
- Artboards can be used to design multiple things.
This blog will be updated as and when i get to learnt new things from Artboard. Video of whatever discussed above will be updated soon.
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